%META:TOPICINFO{author="guest" date="1118155624" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% ---+ Form Definition for the %WEB% web | *Name:*| *Type:* | *Size:* | *Values:* | *Tooltip message:* | | [[Know.TopicClassification][Topic Classification]] | select | 1 | Select one..., NoDisclosure, PublicSupported, PublicFAQ | Classify a topic | | [[OperatingSystem][OperatingSystem]] | checkbox+buttons | 3 | OsHPUX, OsLinux, OsMacOS, OsSolaris, OsSunOS, OsWin | Select the OS | | OsVersion | textarea | 100 | | | | Another | text | 10 | A really, really bad event | | | Select | select | 1 | low, , high | | | web | text | 10 | | | | Start | date | 30 | 02 Oct 2006 | | Related Topic: WebPreferences, WebTopicEditTemplate, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiForms -- Main.TWikiGuest - 10 Nov 2002 -- Main.ThomasWeigert - 27 Jan 2004