---+ %BASETOPIC% --- %TOC% --- The following code is used to put together all the vacation related data. --- ---++ !TimePlanningLegend ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"TimePlanningLegend"}% %TWISTY{ mode="div" showlink="Show Legend/Help... " hidelink="Hide Legend/Help " showimgright="%ICONURLPATH{toggleopen-small}%" hideimgright="%ICONURLPATH{toggleclose-small}%" }% | *Type* | *Icon* | | Planned Vacation | 8-) | | Public Holiday | :-) | | Sick | :skull: | | Track "Project" | e.g. :w1: | Specific [[TimePlanningHelp][TimePlanningHelp]].
Available [[%USERSWEB%.SmiliesCustomized][icons]] and related syntax definitions.
[[Support.CustomerNames][Customer]] or project names that must be used.
Advanced: General help about the [[%SYSTEMWEB%.HolidaylistPlugin][plugin]]. %ENDTWISTY% %ENDSECTION{"TimePlanningLegend"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="TimePlanningLegend" }% --- ---++ !TimePlanningPersonal ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"TimePlanningPersonal"}% %HOLIDAYLIST{ startdate="-15" days="120" allowvarsininclude="on" showoptions="on" showweekends="0" enablepubholidays="1" showpubholidays="0" pubholidayicon=":-)" adayofficon="8-)" holidayicon="8-)" notatworkicon=":w1:" tablecaption="Time Planning %SPACEOUT{%BASETOPIC%}%" namepos="both" todaybgcolor="#fff6a8" tableheadercolor="#bdc6bd" weekendbgcolor="#bdc6bd" showstatrow="off" showstatcol="on" showstatsum="on" statformat="%{pp} | %{ii:8-)} | %{ii::skull:}" statheader=" :-) | 8-) | :skull: " }% %ENDSECTION{"TimePlanningPersonal"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="TimePlanningPersonal" }% --- ---++ !TimePlanningCalendarEntrySelection %STARTSECTION{"TimePlanningCalendarEntrySelection"}% TimePlanning is the entry point for time planning related summaries. ---++++ Insert !Time Planning Entry Please find here a "graphical" interface to add a new time planning entry, resulting in 1 line added to the related section in the topic. If you need to change it later on please do so by editing the entry directly. %COMMENT{type="CalendarEntrySelectionMyPlanning" templatetopic="%USERSWEB%.TimePlanningCommentPluginTemplates" target="%BASETOPIC%" location="name=\"MyTimePlanningEntries\" type=\"section\"\}\%" button="Insert Entry" }% %ENDSECTION{"TimePlanningCalendarEntrySelection"}% ---++++ Insert !MyVacation Line (old & excluded) Please find here a "graphical" interface to add a new vacation entry resulting in 1 line added to the related section in the topic. If you need to change it later on please do so by editing the entry directly. %COMMENT{type="CalendarEntrySelectionMyVacation" templatetopic="%USERSWEB%.TimePlanningCommentPluginTemplates" target="%BASETOPIC%" location="name=\"MyVacation\" type=\"section\"\}\%" button="Insert MyVacation Entry" }% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="TimePlanningCalendarEntrySelection" }% --- ---++ !MyTimePlanning ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"MyTimePlanning"}% ---++++ My Time Planning Please define[[%USERSWEB%.TimePlanningHelp][Help]] your personal projects here (between the lines holding STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION when editing). Alternatively use [[%BASETOPIC%#Insert_Time_Planning_Entry][Insert Time Planning Entry]]: %ENDSECTION{"MyTimePlanning"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="MyTimePlanning" }% --- ---++ !MyPublicHolidays ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"MyPublicHolidays"}% ---++++ My Public Holidays This section lists your public holidays automatically based on the WorkCountry you specified. If you remove the INCLUDE line _between_ STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION then you could define your personal public holidays manually according to your special needs: %ENDSECTION{"MyPublicHolidays"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="MyPublicHolidays" }% --- ---++ !TimePlanningPublicHolidays The different definitions for the %SYSTEMWEB%.HolidaylistPlugin should remain on dedicated topics even when belonging to the same area. Therefore all the public holidays for each country have been separated into a single topic because when using it all on the same topic all holidays were picked up by the %SYSTEMWEB%.HolidaylistPlugin regardless of the specified section. This would need to be re-checked as it may have been caused by =code= errors that have been fixed in the meantime. The following code is used on the hometopic of a user to include the related public holidays based on the WorkCountry: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.PublicHolidays%FORMFIELD{"WorkCountry" topic="%BASETOPIC%" format="$value"}%" section="TimePlanning%FORMFIELD{"WorkCountry" topic="%BASETOPIC%" format="$value"}%" }% %X% If there's another section like =section="TimePlanningItaly"= it will be shown as well. Would need re-verification. Suddenly it became clear that all the test code from below causes a full include of all the vacation related stuff even when only including another section like from above. It seems the %SYSTEMWEB%.HolidaylistPlugin is not respecting the section definitions at all so if a topic is included anything else will be fully analysed by the plugin. Therefore all the following code has been moved into the separated child topic WikiCodeVacationPublicHolidays. --- ---++ !TimePlanningTablePerCountry ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"TimePlanningTablePerCountry"}% %HOLIDAYLIST{ startdate="-30" days="120" showoptions="on" showweekends="0" enablepubholidays="1" showpubholidays="0" pubholidayicon=":-)" adayofficon="8-)" holidayicon="8-)" notatworkicon=":w1:" tablecaption="%SPACEOUT{"%BASETOPIC%"}%" namepos="both" todaybgcolor="#fff6a8" tableheadercolor="#bdc6bd" weekendbgcolor="#bdc6bd" showstatrow="off" showstatcol="on" showstatsum="on" statformat="%{ii::bl:} | %{ii::mf:} | %{ii::mn:} | %{ii::nst:} | %{ii::o2:} | %{ii::opt:} | %{ii::sfr:} | %{ii::t2:} | %{ii::tc:} | %{ii::vf:} | %{ii::wi:} | %{pp} | %{ii:8-)} | %{ii::skull:}" statheader=" :bl: | :mf: | :mn: | :nst: | :o2: | :opt: | :sfr: | :t2: | :tc: | :vf: | :wi: | :-) | 8-) | :skull: " }% %ENDSECTION{"TimePlanningTablePerCountry"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="TimePlanningTablePerCountry" }% --- ---++ !TimePlanningSearchMyTimePlanningEntries ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"TimePlanningSearchMyTimePlanningEntries"}% %SEARCH{ "WorkStatus='Current' AND text ~ '*MyTimePlanningEntries*' " type="query" web="%USERSWEB%" nonoise="on" format="$pattern(.*?(\%STARTSECTION\{name=\"MyTimePlanningEntries\" type=\"section\"\}\%.*?\%ENDSECTION\{name=\"MyTimePlanningEntries\" type=\"section\"\}\%).*)" }% %ENDSECTION{"TimePlanningSearchMyTimePlanningEntries"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="TimePlanningSearchMyTimePlanningEntries" }% --- ---++ !TimePlanningSearchMyVacation ---+++ Section to be included %STARTSECTION{"TimePlanningSearchMyVacation"}% %SEARCH{ "WorkStatus='Current' AND text ~ '*MyVacation*' " type="query" web="%USERSWEB%" nonoise="on" format="$pattern(.*?(\%STARTSECTION\{name=\"MyVacation\" type=\"section\"\}\%.*?\%ENDSECTION\{name=\"MyVacation\" type=\"section\"\}\%).*)" }% %ENDSECTION{"TimePlanningSearchMyVacation"}% ---+++ Code to be included To INCLUDE this use at the place to display: %INCLUDE{ "%USERSWEB%.WikiCodeTimePlanning" section="TimePlanningSearchMyVacation" }%