Item9589: hijax.js doesn't propoerly handle links that already have cover=ajax in their query string

Priority: Normal
Current State: Being Worked On
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: HijaxPlugin
Reported By: DavidPatterson
Waiting For:
Last Change By: DavidPatterson
When viewing a link which already has cover=ajax in its query string via the preview option on the hijax menu, the response gets successfully loaded into the response dialog and displayed but then a js error causes the browser to call the ajax link via a standard http request.

This is because serverAction doesn't properly ensure that only one cover=ajax is present in the url and then showResponse on the other end assumes that the param.cover parameter from the parseURL object is a string and tries to call .search() on it.

-- DavidPatterson - 30 Aug 2010

Note that, for whatever reason, there could be more than one cover urlparam in the query string which would mean an object would be produced for the cover parameter (rather than a string) when parsed by objectifyQuery (via parseURL ).

-- DavidPatterson - 30 Aug 2010


ItemTemplate edit

Summary hijax.js doesn't propoerly handle links that already have cover=ajax in their query string
ReportedBy DavidPatterson
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component HijaxPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Being Worked On
Checkins HijaxPlugin:794f87b275b0 HijaxPlugin:d8a5c1f1e116
TargetRelease n/a
Topic revision: r1 - 30 Aug 2010, DavidPatterson
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