You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item5434 (27 Aug 2022, ManizheKarimi)Edit Attach

Item5434: Usability: Add spell checking to TinyMCEPlugin

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: TinyMCEPlugin
Reported By: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Waiting For:
Last Change By: ManizheKarimi
We need testers! Please view this page and then edit to update the table (below) based on your browser.

Here is a mispelled word to test.

Browser Confirm OK Enabled Notes
Firefox 3.6.12 ALERT! ALERT! Doesn't seem to be working.
Firefox 3.5.2 ALERT! ALERT! I can't see the spell-check plugin in action.
Firefox 3 DONE DONE  
Firefox 2 DONE DONE  
Flock 2 DONE ALERT!  
IE7 ? ?  
IE8 ? ?  
Konqueror DONE N/A TinyMCEPlugin disables itself when Konqueror is detected (Konqueror comes with a built-in spell checker anyway, though)
Opera 9 DONE N/A TinyMCEPlugin disables itself when Opera is detected
Safari 3 ? ?  

In TWiki:Plugins/TinyMCEPluginDev, TWiki:Main/BernMoorehead added added info on how to enable spell checking on FF. Add this to Main.TWikiPreferences:

  • Overloaded TinyMCEPlugin settings:
    • Set TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_GECKO = gecko_spellcheck : true
It needs to be tested that there are no negative sideeffects on IE and other browers, e.g. if it degrades gracefully. We could add this setting to the distribution if there are no side effects.

-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 13 Mar 2008

Good idea. This is an enhancement rather than a bug, though, so changing priority. The fix is trivial, so once it is confirmed that there are no side-effects, anyone should be able to check in the minor change to Main.TWikiPreferences.


kenneth, can this be taken into 1.0.1? or should it be scheduled for 1.1.0?

-- WillNorris - 01 Feb 2009

Did anyone try it? And what about other browsers? IE6, IE7, Safari, Older FF, Konquerer to mention the most popular.

-- KennethLavrsen - 01 Feb 2009

   * Overloaded TinyMCEPlugin settings: 
      * Set TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT_GECKO = gecko_spellcheck : true

The name gecko_spellcheck kinda gives it away; gecko-based browsers only. There is an IE spellcheck plugin, but I haven't tried it. Would be good if someone could do so.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 10 Apr 2009

I have tested the ie plugin called ie Spell check and it works good for me in IE6. Another one called IE7Pro maybe useful as well.

The plugins come with an english dictionary. I have found a list of other downloadable dictionaries here:

Maybe those plugins brings a good work around for IE users.

-- SvenHess - 23 Jul 2009

Agreed. We need to get TinyMCEPluginShouldBeMoreModular moving along so that these kind of plugins can be turned on per-site, per-user.

-- PaulHarvey - 21 Oct 2009

Just an update on this: TinyMCE 3.3.3 should play well with a browser's "native" (plugin or otherwise) spellcheck functions. TMCE's spellcheck plugin can be configured to talk to the Google Spell service, or a php thing that admins would have to set up and configure in addition to Foswiki.

Best path forward would be to make the Google Spell thing trivial to enable, but perhaps a separate contrib could be made to streamline the process of getting the php PSpell thing going.

-- PaulHarvey - 21 Apr 2010

Latest TMCE supports spellchecking.

-- Main.CrawfordCurrie - 23 Feb 2017 - 10:43

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Usability: Add spell checking to TinyMCEPlugin
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
SVN Range TWiki-5.0.0, Sun, 09 Mar 2008, build 16496
AppliesTo Extension
Component TinyMCEPlugin
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState No Action Required
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r17 - 27 Aug 2022, ManizheKarimi
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