You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item513 (07 Mar 2012, PaulHarvey)Edit Attach
After upgrading a Cairo installation, if the TWikiAdmin used the default NewUserTemplate topic in Cairo there will be a mixup of old-style and new-style User Topics, making the shipped %SEARCH% useless.

Also, the process to manually upgrade the user topic to use forms is painful. There shoud be an automated process (not necesarilly in UpgradeTWiki) to do it.

I agree, but I would vote to defer this as there is not enough time to test the current functionality, and this will need lots of work and testing too - SD
Ditto. Deferred. CC

Undeferred, post Dakar CC

This is still an issue for Foswiki - Though its even more frustrating, because some user topics (most I think) set VIEW_TEMPLATE explicitly rather than using the Form template path.

We need to fix this - so that migrations from TopicUserMapping, PersonalInfoAddOn, DashboardContrib and LdapContrib happen properly.

-- SvenDowideit - 07 Mar 2012

Was there a good reason why we aren't doing a UserViewTemplate instead of VIEW_TEMPLATE?

-- PaulHarvey - 07 Mar 2012

ItemTemplate edit

Summary After upgrading from Cairo, there will be a mixup of old-style User Topics (using bullets) and the new style (using a form)
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.RafaelAlvarez
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Confirmed
TargetRelease major
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r9 - 07 Mar 2012, PaulHarvey
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