You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item1625 (11 Apr 2011, GeorgeClark)Edit Attach
The atom and the rss skins are treated the same way by stripping off images and hyperlinks though in atom content text can be specified as xhtml.

Using rss any html markup interferes with the rss namespace but not so in atom.

Using rss any markup can been encoded. In general there's no need to do that for atom. If you do so for atom (as the specs still allow) today's news readers do not revert the encoding and recover the correct html. I dunno why.

What we can do:
  • The $minimalist flag in should only be set for rss and not for atom.
  • the WebAtomBase should be enhanced to make use of the xhtml content type


It can get tricky if we add rendered XHTML to the mix since it needs to be closed properly. For example, take the first 100 characters as the summary, format it to XHTML: There is an issue if you cut off a closing tag, such as a form, a, table tag. The diffs script does that, but there are still cases where it fails to form nice XHTML.

-- PTh

Nother report lost in space.

-- MichaelDaum - 25 Mar 2011

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Don't "minimalise" atom content
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum
SVN Range Thu, 02 Feb 2006 build 8675
AppliesTo Engine
Component RssAtomFeeds
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Closed
TargetRelease major
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r6 - 11 Apr 2011, GeorgeClark
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