Item14675: LdapContrib - Case Sensitive option not working for logins.

Priority: Normal
Current State: New
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: LdapContrib
Reported By: PeterAndrasSiklosi
Waiting For:
Last Change By: PeterAndrasSiklosi
I use LdapContrib for authentication and authorization. It works well, but I ran into a bug with the CaseSensitiveLogin config option.

Turning off this feature, the group membership management won't work as expected because while the plugin lowercases all login/group fields and stores them that way, it does not do the same when doing a membership check. There it uses the original login.

$ grep -A 9 'sub getLoginName' lib/Foswiki/Users/
sub getLoginName {
  my ($this, $cUID) = @_;

  my $login = $cUID;

  # Remove the mapping id in case this is a subclass
  $login =~ s/$this->{mapping_id}// if $this->{mapping_id};

  $login = $this->mapcUID2Login($login);
  $login = lc($login) unless $this->{ldap}{caseSensitiveLogin};

$ grep -A 23 'sub isInGroup' lib/Foswiki/
sub isInGroup {
    my ( $this, $cUID, $group, $options ) = @_;

    my $expand = $options->{expand};
    $expand = 1 unless ( defined $expand );

    # If not recursively, clear the scanning hash
    if ( ( caller(1) )[3] ne ( caller(0) )[3] ) {
        %scanning = ();

    #use Carp;
    #Carp::cluck "Scanning for JoeUser\n" if $cUID eq 'JoeUser';
    #die "Scanning for JoeUser\n" if $cUID eq 'JoeUser';

    my @users;
    my $it = $this->eachGroupMember( $group, { expand => $expand } );
    while ( $it->hasNext() ) {
        my $u = $it->next();
        next if $scanning{$u};
        $scanning{$u} = 1;

        return 1 if $u eq $cUID;

I created a quick&dirty fix to address this issue, but did not investigate further how it affects other modules or features.
--- old/lib/Foswiki/Users/  2017-11-24 09:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new/lib/Foswiki/Users/  2018-03-06 17:03:13.573000000 +0100
@@ -466,6 +466,23 @@


+---++ isInGroup( $user, $group ) -> $boolean
+The original UserMapping manager does not know about the LdapContrib's
+case sensitivity setting. Because of this, in some cases it does not find
+the authorization information. By checking this option and honoring it,
+authorization can work as expected.
+sub isInGroup {
+    my ( $this, $cUID, $group, $options ) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::isInGroup( ($this->{ldap}{caseSensitiveLogin} ? $cUID : lc($cUID)), $group, $options );
 ---++ findUserByEmail( $email ) -> \@cUIDs
    * =$email= - email address to look up

Our wiki now works as expected.

I use(d) FosWiki/LdapContrib 2.1.5/7.90 and 2.1.6/8.00 and this problem occurs in both.

-- PeterAndrasSiklosi - 03 Apr 2018


ItemTemplate edit

Summary LdapContrib - Case Sensitive option not working for logins.
ReportedBy PeterAndrasSiklosi
Codebase 2.1.6, 2.1.5
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component LdapContrib
Priority Normal
CurrentState New
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Apr 2018, PeterAndrasSiklosi
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