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Item1346: Upgrade to Foswiki 1.0.4 seems to break TCAO

Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: TopicClassificationAddOn
Reported By: RichardDeVriese
Waiting For: LynnwoodBrown
Last Change By: LynnwoodBrown
I installed (copied over) the Foswiki-upgrade-1.0.4 release on top of a working Foswiki-1.0.0 installation. OS is Ubuntu 8.1. Also have JQueryTwistyPlugin and JQueryPlugin installed. After upgrading to Foswiki-1.0.4 I noticed that all of the *Topic topics in TCAO enabled webs display a warning Warning: Can't find named section javascriptfunctions in topic WebTopicCreator. TCAO does not appear to work correctly. Example, a new log entry in the TaskTopic enters the log at the end of the topic rather than at the top. The #logEntry target seems to being ignored.

-- RichardDeVriese

Richard - I've not had much time recently to test and update TCAO for working with Foswiki but I'm confident the problems you see are relatively minor. First, regarding warning about not finding javascriptfunctions section in WebTopicCreator, that reflects new feature that I assume has been added to Foswiki to give a warning when a name section is not found. In point of fact, that INCLUDE is an artifact of earlier development and is not even necessary anymore. I had not caught it because until recently the INCLUDE failed silently. So the fix is simply to remove the line that says %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebTopicCreator" section="javascriptfunctions" }% from TACO.RenderAddClassification and TACO.RenderTopicCreator.

I took a quick look at the second problem you mention regarding the #logEntry target but can't confirm it. It should be posting the log right below the log entry form, not at the top of the topic as you state. When you say it posts at the bottom of the topic, do you mean below the general comment box that's also included in the task topics? If so, that's definitely not right. If there is a problem, I'm assuming it reflects changes in CommentPlugin because it was working fine before. When I get a change, I'll look into this further.

It may be a while before I post a new version with these fixes but do intend to do so. If you see more of these oddities, please post them here. Thanks for bringing them to my attention!

-- LynnwoodBrown - 28 Mar 2009

Lynnwood - Thanks for responding. I understand the first issue. I dug through the code and understand your comments above. I can just delete the line you mention although it would be nice to have the released PlugIn already have this resolved. I'm more concerned about the second issues. Yes, the log entry is posted at the bottom of the page, below the general comment section. I first ran into this problem when trying to use a LogTopic—a topic type I have created for keeping general log entries. I simply used the topic include statement from the TaskTopic, and added the #logEntry anchor below it. This worked fine in Foswiki 1.0.0, but will not work correctly in 1.0.4.

There may be more serious issues going on here. I tried installing a fresh copy of Foswiki 1.0.4—not the upgrade but the full installation—but as soon as I installed and enabled DBCachePlugin I got a server error with dozens of lines of error statements. I ran out of time to figure out what was going on and have not had a chance to log a support request here yet. Again, this is on a pretty box stock Ubuntu 8.1 distribution.

-- RichardDeVriese - 29 Mar 2009

I've been running into similar problems with TCAO and Foswiki 1.0.4. The DBCachePlugin issue I found a fix for. DBCachePlugin has it's own copies of DBCacheContrib that live in the TWiki namespace. However when it tries to call the storage lib, Foswiki tries to call it's copy of DBCacheContrib instead of the TWiki one. I resolved it (well made it stop producing errors) by adding this line in $foswikidir/lib/TWiki/Contrib/ after the use statements:


-- DamionAlexander - 03 Apr 2009

You all understand I hope that these last couple of reports have nothing to do with TCAO, per se, but reflect problems with DBCachePlugin in Foswiki 1.0.4. TCAO simply depends heavily on DBCachePlugin. None the less, I will try to get up a test soon and see what I can do to help figure out what's happening.

-- LynnwoodBrown - 03 Apr 2009

I can confirm that making Damion's change allows the DBCachePlugin to be re-enabled on a fairly fresh Strawberry 1.0.4 on Windows XP installation. Thanks.

-- JohnKern - 03 Apr 2009

Understood about the last posts being really about DBCachePlugin. I happened upon this page because of the javascriptfunctions error. RichardDeVriese's comment about DBCachePlugin reminded me that I should post what I found somewhere. After a little more work today I found that besides DBCachePlugin and the javascriptfuction thing, my issues were my failure to rtfm more closely. I haven't worked with TCAO a lot so haven't run across the logEntry thing that RichardDeVriese has.

-- DamionAlexander - 03 Apr 2009

I was able to get Foswiki-upgrade-1.0.4 to work after applying the change that DamionAlexander posted on 03-APR-2009. Thanks Damion! That seems to fix the issue with DBCacheContrib. However, I am still experiencing the same issue with TCAO in which the log entry is posted at the bottom of the page rather than immediately right after the anchor #logEntry.

-- RichardDeVriese - 05 Apr 2009

Has anybody looked at Item1624 regarding TCAO? It seems this is preventing us from upgrading to v1.05.

-- JohnKern - 04 Jun 2009

See Item1624 for quick and easy fix.

-- LynnwoodBrown - 05 Jun 2009

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Upgrade to Foswiki 1.0.4 seems to break TCAO
ReportedBy RichardDeVriese
Codebase 1.0.4
SVN Range Foswiki-1.0.0, Thu, 08 Jan 2009, build 1878
AppliesTo Extension
Component TopicClassificationAddOn
Priority Normal
CurrentState No Action Required
WaitingFor LynnwoodBrown
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r13 - 26 Jan 2011, LynnwoodBrown
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