This question about Using an extension: Answered

Where can I find and which Version is the Image::Magick and Error

When I try to install Image Plugin via shell

* ImagePlugin depends on cpan package Graphics::Magick >=1.1.11
which is described as "Optional."
But when I tried to find it I got this error:

Can't locate Graphics/

This module is available from the CPAN archive ( You can download and install it from here. The module will be installed to wherever you configured CPAN to install to.

Would you like me to try to download and install the latest version of Graphics::Magick from [y/n] y

Going to read '/home/biografi/.cpan/Metadata'
 Database was generated on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:28:02 GMT
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.71)
Going to read 39 yaml files from /home/biografi/.cpan/build/
CPAN: Time::HiRes loaded ok (v1.9719)
Restored the state of none (in 1.1796 secs)
Can't call method "dslip_status" on an undefined value at /home/biografi/public_html/

swiki/tools/ line 396.

I get also this Error...???

After that I will Download and install it via CPAN install Graphics::Magick it tells me:

cpan[1]> install Graphics::Magick
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.18)
Going to read '/home/biografi/.cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:28:02 GMT
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.71)
Going to read 39 yaml files from /home/biografi/.cpan/build/
CPAN: Time::HiRes loaded ok (v1.9719)
Restored the state of none (in 1.0108 secs)
Warning: Cannot install Graphics::Magick, don't know what it is.
Try the command

 i /Graphics::Magick/

to find objects with matching identifiers. What is to be done?


-- SaschaBuechel - 08 Apr 2010

That's most probably a fault of the plugin's DEPENDENCIES file. Graphics::Magick doesn't seem to be available on CPAN. Most recent versions are available on instead...which of course the installer can't handle. At some point in the past I introduced Graphics::Magick as an alternative for Image::Magick, which it is a fork of, as Image::Magick showed instabilities on some platforms. So (a) Graphics::Magick is not a option but an _alternative and I don't know if that can be expressed within foswiki's DEPENDENCIES for a plugin and (b) Graphics::Magick is not on CPAN, which is a shame.

My advice: use Image::Magick. That's easier to install when your distro doesn't come with either of the two. Recent versions of Image::Magick are stable again and it is available on CPAN; modern distributions ship it by default. Long term, we only can hope distros pick up Graphics::Magick (debian and ubuntu have it) and people decide to upload it to CPAN.

-- MichaelDaum - 08 Apr 2010

Thanks for your help!!! smile

Now I understand more and more... But:

As Graphics::Magick is not available on CPAN, it is still choosable in the configure-file between Image::Magick and Graphics::Magick, but what if I want give the path to the program, which is with the distro (I asked my hosting-administrator, they have installed Graphicsmagick --> gs, /usr/local/bin/)? So where can I configure it?

I tried already the option Graphics::Magick, but then I had errors. For now, I have Image::Magick and it is working, but since my web is on a hosting, it is slow, so everything which can make it faster seems welcome (and it seems that fastcgi will take longer for me to set up).

-- SaschaBuechel - 08 Apr 2010

Image::Magick vs Graphics::Magick does not really make a speed difference, given that most of the time is spent compiling perl. So getting fastcgi up'n running is the right thing to do next wink Btw. I am using Image::Magick per default as well. It still is an excellent image processing backend.

-- MichaelDaum - 09 Apr 2010

Thanks for your fast Help and advices... ! smile -- SaschaBuechel - 10 Apr 2010

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension ImagePlugin
Version Foswiki 1.0.9
Status Answered
Topic revision: r7 - 10 Apr 2010, SaschaBuechel
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