This question about Topic Markup Language and applications: Asked

How can I use JQueryDialog to create and save into a new topic without confirmation?

Hi, I wante to make use of JQueryDialog to create a new page or save into an existing page.

I open a new window by using
<a href="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/Database/Forums/ForumDialogs?skin=text&section=dialog;validation_key=;origin=%WEB%.%TOPIC%" class="jqUIDialogLink foswikiButton"><img src="%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/FamFamFamSilkIcons/folder_add.png">&nbsp;Neues Topic erstellen</a>

then the window opens containing a form frrom another topic section called dialog like

<div title="From Ajax call" class="jqUIDialog { modal:true, resizable:true, draggable:true, height:300, width:600}">
<div class="foswikiFormSteps"> 
<div class="foswikiFormStep">
<form  id="ThisForm" onsubmit="StrikeOne.submit(this)"  enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" type="POST" method="post" action="%SCRIPTURL{save}%/MyWeb/MyTopic">

(some input fields)

(some hidden input fields)

<tr><td><input type="submit" class="foswikiButton" value="Aufgabe absenden" /></td><td></td></tr>

Unfortunately each time I submit Foswiki asks for validation "Warning! Confirmation required ". How can I avoid this as the whole proceure is valid?

Thanks in advance for a useful hint!

-- ThomasSchmidt - 03 May 2013


QuestionForm edit

Subject Topic Markup Language and applications
Extension JQueryPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.8
Status Asked
Related Topics
Topic revision: r1 - 03 May 2013, ThomasSchmidt
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