This question about Topic Markup Language and applications: Answered

Generate list of uploaded images for select field

I have following fields defined in my DataForm:

| Image1 | text | 150 | | | |
| Image2 | text | 150 | | | |
| Image3 | text | 150 | | | |
| ImageCaption1 | textarea | 250x3 | | | |
| ImageCaption2 | textarea | 250x3 | | | |
| ImageCaption3 | textarea | 250x3 | | | |

where Image1, Image2 and Image3 are names of attached (to current topic) images.

They're used as follows in view template:

%IF{"'%FORMFIELD{"Image1"}%'!=''" then="%IMAGE{"%ATTACHURL%/%FORMFIELD{"Image1"}%" type="frame" align="right" caption="%FORMFIELD{"ImageCaption1"}%"}%"}%

%IF{"'%FORMFIELD{"Image2"}%'!=''" then="%IMAGE{"%ATTACHURL%/%FORMFIELD{"Image2"}%" type="frame" align="right" caption="%FORMFIELD{"ImageCaption2"}%"}%"}%

%IF{"'%FORMFIELD{"Image3"}%'!=''" then="%IMAGE{"%ATTACHURL%/%FORMFIELD{"Image3"}%" type="frame" align="right" caption="%FORMFIELD{"ImageCaption3"}%"}%"}%

Instead of typing name of the uploaded image in Image1, Image2 and Image3 fields, I would like to select appropriate file name from select field. However, I don't know how can I generate such list. Could you help me on this, please?

-- MateuszKDzior - 06 Nov 2015

I believe this achieves what you're describing:
| *Name*  | *Type* | *Size* | *Values* | *Tooltip message* | *Attributes* | 
| Image1 | select | 1 | ,%QUERY{"'%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%'/"}%  | | |
| Image2 | select | 1 | ,%QUERY{"'%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%'/"}%  | | |
| Image3 | select | 1 | ,%QUERY{"'%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%'/"}%  | | |
| Image Caption 1 | textarea | 250x3 | | | |
| Image Caption 2 | textarea | 250x3 | | | |
| Image Caption 3 | textarea | 250x3 | | | |

This creates a select element listing the attachments in the base topic. The leading comma is simply to provide a blank first option. You could refine the QUERY macro to only list certain kinds of files. e.g. %QUERY{"'Support.Question1717'/attachments[name ~ '*.jpeg'].name"}%

-- Main.LynnwoodBrown - 16 Nov 2015 - 15:23

QuestionForm edit

Subject Topic Markup Language and applications
Version Foswiki 2.0.2
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r2 - 16 Nov 2015, LynnwoodBrown
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